Cannibal Troll Film is a production and distribution company specializing in unique horror and thrillers, with an emphasis on visuals, music, and sound. Our newly launched distribution label aims to pull in short horror films from all over the world that stand above the rest, putting them into one place, increasing exposure and with instant revenue returns.
What we offer is full streaming on Amazon Prime, new or redone artwork, closed captioning, and free marketing through our social media outlets. We will also release Blu-Ray/DVD anthologies periodically, which will be available through all major online retailers, and in person at horror conventions nationwide.
How to submit? Send an e-mail to
Is Your Film the Right Fit?
Browse our films and get a feel for the style, mood, and production quality of the films we distribute. Notice the attention to strangeness, to visuals--lighting, color, mood, to music and sound. If your film belongs, we want to work with you.
E-mail us with a link to your short and we'll get back to you right away.