Cannibal Troll Film is proud to present its library of international, award-winning indie horror films on Amazon Prime, iTunes, BluRay and more. Want to be a part of the excitement? Here's how:
1. Prepare Your Film
Read our guidelines. Get your short ready in the highest possible quality and upload it as a public or private video. Make sure there are no copyrighted songs or images, and that you have the rights to the film and everything contained within.
2. Contact Us
Send us a message at with a link to your movie, or a descriptive query. Include any selling points, i.e. festivals, awards, stars. Let us know why your short belongs on Cannibal Troll Film's indie horror label!
3. Engage
If accepted, we'll format your film, closed-caption it, create artwork and prepare a marketing plan, all at no cost to you. Contracts are short-term, so there's no commitment from you and you retain rights to your film after the distribution period expires.